Friday, June 8, 2018

Two weeks left to fitness goals deadline

Simply put, it looks like I'll be going 1-for-3 in my goals. Here's the latest:

1- Pull-ups. Did 11 the other night at a total weight (with clothing) of 191.7 lbs. Confidence level of meeting my goal of 12 in two weeks is very high.

2- Bench Press. Haven't attempted my body weight in a while. Will be giving it a shot tomorrow evening to check-in. I'm able to do 225 for 10 reps, and did 195 for 16 reps several weeks ago. I should weigh in around 185 in two weeks. All things considered, confidence level of hitting my goal of my bodyweight for 24 reps is somewhat low. That said, it's not one I'll give up on, as it does appear to be within my limitations should I keep trying.

3- Slam dunk. Who am I kidding? I've made gradual improvements, (like a couple inches) but at my lowest bodyweight (189) and with my knees and ankles on their best day (they can come and go), I've only been able to grab the rim with about 4 inches to spare. Confidence level of EVER reaching this goal is extremely low, much less in two weeks. I'll do a check-in this weekend.

Despite my low confidence in the last of the three, I'm still going to try things, for a couple reasons. First, I like being 52, a not-so-tall 6'1", and being able to grab the rim. So there's no need to lose that ability at least. Second, knowing I likely won't achieve it, it might be fun to try different training techniques and jumping form. With nothing to lose, it might be fun to learn something, and if nothing else, spice up the workouts a bit.