Bowling league should be interesting tomorrow. So far, I'm having my best season ever. I've had my second highest game ever, highest series ever, most 700s in a league season, I'm carrying my highest average ever, and have a chance to do something I've never done before: bowl back-to-back-to-back 700s. Yes, I know technological advances are a big part of that. But this post is about what could go wrong.
I've been wanting to bowl in some competitive tournaments, and to do that, I need to get conditioned for several games in a row, not just a three-game set. So yesterday I bowled six games of practice in Rosemount, and sure enough, at the end of game six, I noticed I had a blister, and it ripped. So part of my thumb is a bit raw right now, and it stings a little to the touch.
The last time I bowled with such a condition, I toughed it out (eat your heart out, Jay Cutler) for ten games in a tournament, and averaged exactly 160 for the event. I would be surprised if that wasn't dead last place. I keep that event in mind whenever I feel I need a little humility; it was positively my worst bowling tournament appearance ever.
What might save me from a similar experience tomorrow is a product called "perfect patch." The patchwork I attempted in the debacle above was old school "Liquid Skin," which was little more than glorified Krazy Glue and a small mesh patch. Perfect patch can be seen used by many touring pros, so here's hoping it will help.
If not, I will have another experience to fall back on whenever I feel the need to bring myself back down to earth.
Zwift: the Second Month
2 weeks ago