Last Halloween, while I took my boys out trick-or-treating, I sampled one of there Tootsie Rolls. Or maybe it was Laffy Taffy. Whatever it was, it was one of those softer, chewy candies. It was the last thing I expected to cause the pain I am in now.
Peanut Brittle, I'd understand. Or a Gobstopper that I didn't have patience for.
Anyway, while I was chewing it, I felt some crunches that I knew didn't belong. They were from fragments of my lower back-left molar and its filling. Just a little less than half of both have been gone ever since.
Anything cold and/or hard has caused pain, so since then I've generally chewed with my right side. It's odd that I learned from this that I actually prefer chewing on the left side.
Anyway, the day has come that I knew would eventually, and that is to say the pain is steady. So it's time to go to the dentist.
I will be calling the dentist in the morning to make an appointment, and I hope that I can get in without waiting two weeks. I'd rather it not even be two more days of this, but I'm a realist. Until I do get in, it will be popping my maximum 6 Ibuprofens per day.
I'm ready to sheepishly admit to the dentist that I should have come in sooner. I just hope they don't tell me by doing so a year later I've caused more problems than what a simply cap, crown, or tooth pull would have fixed.
Until then, my clock has stopped at tooth-hurty.
Zwift: the Second Month
2 weeks ago
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